The Environment
Utilising manufacturing technologies that can process recycled material as well as virgin plastics has been a goal of Pallenz for many years - and this goal has been reached. As well as being able to produce many of our products from new virgin polymers, we are now able to include recycled materials that are often disposed of in landfills.
Sustainable Manufacturing
Pallenz products are manufactured by ESPlastics in Hamilton, New Zealand. ESPlastics operates a manufacturing facility where continual monitoring and removal of waste, whether it be power, material or time is exercised. Plastic is kept clean so it can be recovered and reused on other products. In this way ESPlastics can ensure there is limited plastic sent to waste sites. Power usage is audited, with machines being fitted with variable speed drives and power factor correction to reduce power usage in the factory. External noise is reduced by limiting the hours where the noisy machinery can operate.
All products are manufactured to minimum volumes so ESPlastics can ensure products are manufactured quickly and accurately. Small volume orders cause issues with product quality, colour and dimensions, so ESPlastics manufactures to minimum order volumes thereby ensuring there is little wastage in material, power and time. This does lead to the need to hold an inventory however, with the lead times required to manufacture product this is not an issue as orders for product are not made until stock levels are at low levels.